Cheaper, better IT

From my article “Ten Tips for Reducing Burgeoning IT Costs” in the new issue of Director Magazine:

The good news is that in the wake of the Y2K scare and the bursting of the dotcom bubble, companies have grown more skeptical about IT and more conservative in their spending. Microsoft faces a much tougher sell [in pitching upgrades] this year than it did in 2001 when it rolled out Windows XP. Since then exciting new technologies have also emerged that have allowed businesses to use their existing IT equipment more effectively and avoid buying new gear. Suddenly, companies are finding they can cut their IT budgets and still have the computing capabilities they need. Smart IT management is all about getting more for less. Here are 10 ways your business can achieve that goal …


One thought on “Cheaper, better IT

  1. dubdub

    A fantastic base list, particularly rule 10 (procrastinate). but you forgot the most important one:

    11) Be prepared to violate the above rules from time to time if you want to gain a true competitive advantage.

    I’m thinking particularly of rule 9 (don’t customize), which is the most dangerous one (in my opinion) to break, but which can really pay off if you do it right.

    thanks for the article!

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