My next book, as previously announced in these pages, is called The Glass Cage. It’s still in the works, but here’s a preliminary cast of characters:
Wiley Post
William Carlos Williams
Norbert Wiener
John Marston
Peter Thiel
Adam Smith
Harry Braverman
Oscar Wilde
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Kate Crawford
Robert M. Yerkes
Ned Ludlam
John F. Kennedy
Marc Andreesen
Hannah Arendt
Charlie Watts
Katherine Hayles
David Brooks
May-Britt Moser
William Wordsworth
Frank Gehry
George W. Bush
Paul Proteus
Andy Clark
Vinod Khosla
Pierre-Cédric Bonin
Bifo Berardi
Richard Poirier
Benedict de Spinoza
Alfred Korzybski
Robert Frost
Amit Singhal
Serena Williams
Evgeny Morozov
Donna Haraway
Sam Peckinpah
Now that’s a shindig.
Image from Rockstar Games.
Merleau-Ponty but no Dewey?
Suggestive and stimulating ensemble cast. Looking forward to it.
Nice. A cool way to tease a book. Harry Braverman and Adam Smith and a few people I’ve never heard of. I can’t wait. No Lewis Mumford or Walter J. Ong? What can that mean?
Life is a rock/but the radio rolled me…
Looks very interesting. Can’t wait to hear more.
While we’re on the subject, you did an interview a couple years ago in which you listed 5 books you’d read recently that introduced me to great books by Tim Wu, Martin Ford, James Gleick and others. I read and go back to these all the time. I keep hoping you’ll do something similar sometime soon. Got any late summer reading suggestions?