A history of the future of the book

On the afternoon of Saturday, April 14, I will be giving a talk, “The Book as Gadget: The Rise of E-Readers and E-Reading,” at the Newberry Library in Chicago. The lecture is part of the Newberry’s History of the Book series. It’s free and open to the public, but you have to register in advance. Details are here.

3 thoughts on “A history of the future of the book

  1. Yves Trlt

    Maybe it could also be “a history of the future of the personal bookshelf”.

    In the sense that maybe more than the paper/ereader thing(but as a clear side effect of it, or as an increased side effect started with paperbacks), what is happening with books(or published texts), is more the explosion of the number of them being published, together with the other explosion regarding journalism and “personal journalism” texts. This leading to a transition from a bookshelf for every person, to something being more a collection of “point of publishing flows”.

    But not to forget that our time is also a lot about the end of cheap energy, and not sure how all this will evolve, regarding this, call to Fr residential candidates below published in lemonde March 22nd:


    signed by :

    Pierre René Bauquis – Former Director of Strategy and Planning at Total

    Jean-Marie Bourdaire – Former Director of Economic Studies at Total, former Director of Studies at WEC

    Yves Cochet – European Deputy, former Environment Minister.

    Jean-Marc Jancovici – Consultant in energy

    Jean Laherrère – Former Chief of Exploration Technologies at Total

    Yves Mathieu – Former Hydrocarbon Reserves Project Manager at the Institut Francais du Petrole (French Petroleum Institute)

    Philippe Labat – Oil Consultant

    Jean-Luc Wingert – Consultant, ASPO France

    Bernard Durand – Former Director of the Geology Division at the Institut Francais du Petrole

    Jacques Varet – Former Director of Prospecting at BRGM, former President of Eurogeosurveys

    Translations coming soon, signatures in English welcomed !

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