Cute puppy or fist in face?

This may or may not offer any insight into the different ways information technology is viewed in the world, but here’s the cover of the Japanese translation of my book:

And here’s the cover of the Russian translation:

I’m fond of the fist, personally.

3 thoughts on “Cute puppy or fist in face?

  1. Justin Pfister

    I should be getting the English version with the futuristic cube farm this week. Then I’ll have a better idea. I enjoy the Japanese (atonement with IT dog) version better than the Russian (Almighty IT Fist) version.

  2. Christopher Coulter

    I love the transliteration, “bitter spores”. ;)

    This book caused bitter spores in the West both among practical workers in area of technologies of informations and among consultants. Reason of dispute was become by the special opinion of author of book, considering, that the enormous investments of enterprises in an informative infrastructure already do not give a surplus return, and in a number of cases even are not necessary.

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