3 thoughts on “Days of tweets and roses

  1. Tish Grier

    Love Lepucki’s tale! I often take time off on the weekends from the hullabaloo of Twitter, Facebook, and everything else. I often feel that, even as a social media worker, I don’t need to be on 24-7. I’m not *that* important (although I’ve had others argue with me that I am.) And the quiet mind I get from just walking in the woods or spending actual face time with friends is so valuable. I understand that some people believe that they are proving to potential clients that they are adept at social networking by being on social networking all the time–but if one cannot convert any of those connections one makes on social networking sites into something tangible, then does it really matter? after all, we’re not all Chris Brogan…

    (oh and nice to come back to commenting on your blog, Nick. :) )

  2. Eric London

    It seems to me that Edan and Jesse are people who have chosen to become one of the Focused rather than one of the Interrupted. These are not new types. In my parent’s generation, the Interrupted networked at coffee klatches and the Rotary Club and the diner and participated in church social functions. The Focused kept to themselves, worked hard, their head down over the drafting table even on Saturday morning. They got stuff done. Both groups proudly pointed to people from their culture who succeeded.

    I think many current net users have, without thinking, fallen into the Interrupted approach. The concept J. Schell explores, where “games will take over our life,” will simply accelerate the decision time. Many soon will be forced into a choice. Your ‘friends’ may be gaming and want you to join, but you want to focus on some work. Which way do you jump? You’re going to have to jump, there is little middle ground.

    Another color to the Focused is that they appear rude to the Interrupted. I suspect many developers in the software industry, and probably in other groups, agree with Paul Graham’s “Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule”. To create something of value, you need to focus. You can’t be interrupted all the time. So I think people who want to get stuff done will have to get rude to their boss. No, I can’t come to that meeting at that time, I need to get this task done. And they’ll need to get rude to their social groups. No, I can’t come to that meeting. No, I can’t play that game, or update Facebook, or send out a tweet. I’ve got stuff to do.

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