The old, weird world

This is the best lead to a story I’ve read in a while:

Fifteen years after vultures disappeared from Mumbai’s skies, the Parsi community here intends to build two aviaries at one of its most sacred sites so that the giant scavengers can once again devour human corpses.

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One thought on “The old, weird world

  1. Shotgun Joe

    I agree, it’s a good one. And this morning after seeing this TED talk on vultures, even those strange old rituals make more sense. If rationality really is revered in our part of the world … maybe we too can realize the intricate interdependencies, that all species share an ecosystem.

    “Because there are no vultures, there’s been a spread in the numbers of feral dogs at carcass dump sites, and when you have feral dogs, you have a huge time bomb of rabies. The number of cases of rabies has increased tremendously in India.” etc.

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