7 thoughts on “Ends minus means

  1. Scott Holloway

    I hate marketing.

    Merely being an oxygen-to-carbon-dioxide converter gets old pretty quickly.

  2. Brutus

    Creative artists frequently cite doing the work itself as far more gratifying than the finished product and any awards or accolades it may attract.

  3. shagggz

    The implicit snobbery here is too thick for me to not comment upon it. Yes, many artists have cited the work itself as being more rewarding than its results. Therefore we should cut down any attempt at advancing those among the great unwashed at having a fairer shot at that which used to be the exclusive privilege of elites?

    I can see the ease with which one can twist “work of art without the work” into the most nefarious of implications, so as to snarkily deflate such strawmen with the greatest of wit, but how about giving the onward march of the technosphere something a little less predictably tiresome? For instance, how about acknowledging that this slogan is pointing to the (valid) observation that what used to take much time and expense and specialized equipment and knowledge can now be democratized. Sure, you can whine about how the deskilling implicit in this process is a bad thing, but on the whole, the transcension of barriers that used to keep the bulk of humanity from participating in more varied and robust activities is a good thing, even if we’ve convinced ourselves over time that those barriers are actually inextricably inherent to the process of attaining that skill or ability of artistic expression, and that it is a debasement to lower those barriers of entry so that everyone else can get in on it.

    Yeah, yeah, we get it. You were into it before it was cool and easy and popular, and you are therefore better for it. And we will indeed get off your lawn.

  4. Brutus

    Maybe you could have simply disagreed (two word: I disagree) and I could then concede wholly, saving you having gone to all the trouble.

  5. A E Mathew

    Interesting that, in comparison to the lengthy posts on this blog and elsewhere, this one line post has sparked an interesting debate albeit in a different direction. Isn’t this true marketing? And I must confess, just like the author of this post found it fascinating I too had an “Oh interesting” moment.

    That true artists find gratification in the work itself than the finished product is a different issue.

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